Be a competent professional is not everything. Henry Ford once said: If there is a secret to success, is the following: understanding the point of view of the other and see things with their eyes. If this true, it is not enough to strive to get a good education, an academic degree or a specific technical knowledge. Holzer says on the issue. Who wants to succeed must know manage emotions skillfully: his own and that of others. vaccine may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Positive emotions stimulate the successful professional and personal, if you like us and excites the task we do, it will be a pleasure to meet her. If we feel comfortable in our job because our coworkers are nice, cooperative and empathic, our performance will be greater.
On the contrary negative emotions we hinder: when we disgustamos us because of the head, desmotivamos us and find it hard to engage, commit ourselves to work. If we are afraid of losing our job, without realizing we cometeremos more mistakes, errors during the workday. When workers constantly fear at the prospect of losing your job, your ability to perform effectively decreases and suffers. Insecurity harms the overall atmosphere of the company, colleagues become, first, the main competition. Begin the questions, imagination flies to possible losses: who retain employment in the next wave of layoffs? What to do to be among those who retained their jobs? And here is another deficiency. When employees are made to the idea that, as and how, they will not stay long in this work, hardly will be identified with the company and its objectives. The vast majority of executives, managers and supervisors are aware of the importance of social competence and, in the future, will be among the most important management skills among executives, these will have to be able to transmit a feeling of closeness and warmth to his collaborators. However, it must be acknowledged that at present and in what These qualities referred to there are major shortcomings in management levels of the organizations.