
Floral of Bach in the Odontologia HISTORY the Floral ones of Bach are a medicine developed for an English doctor, Dr. Edward Bach that, in 1930, it decided to release its profitable medical activity in London to search in the nature this system of cure that idealizes has much time. Through its experience as doctor, ' ' it evidences that the same treatment for people with the same illness functioned for ones and it does not stop others. It concluded that something beyond the organic illness existed? the individual characteristics, personalidade' '. (the Floral Therapy? Selected studies of Edward Bach, Ed. Ground). Thus, it abandoned its doctor’s office and laboratory in, London and it left for the field, it stops of the nature extracting the medicine that could alliviate the suffering of the people and obtained. Its legacy for the humanity was the system of Floral of Bach, formed for 38 extracted remedies of the essences of the flowers.

BEDDING As we live in a dual world, where in everything exists the positive and the negative, the Floral ones of Bach act in the direction to fortify the virtue that has in each one, moving away, of this form, the negative aspect. For example, if we feel fear of some thing, situation or person, being this a negative aspect, certainly, will be present in us, also, its opposite that is the courage to face such thing, situation or person. When taking the Floral ones of Bach, them go to act in the direction of engrandecer our courage, the point of the fear to disappear. It is as when we enter in a dark room (negative aspect), when lighting the light (positive aspect), the blackout disappears. In such a way, we need to perceive what we feel ahead of our challenges and to manage floral the adequate one.

IN ODONTOLOGIA One of the emotions, still, gift in the patients is the FEAR. In the essence, it is the fear to feel pain, exactly that if it translates, simply, in the fear to go to the dentist. For this emotional state, the MIMULLUS will act in the direction to rescue the courage and the confidence of the patient, being made possible it to face it the odontolgico treatment with tranquilidade. TREATMENT WITH FLORAL OF BACH Normally, in my atendimentos, I make a formula more complete than can work some negative aspects, jointly. This formula, usually, does not exceed the meeting of 06 (six) floral ones. The Floral ones if present in liquid form e, normally, the dose are of 4 (four) drops 4 (four) times to the day. It can be taken pure, or be added in a little of water, milk or juice. ' ' In urgent cases, I can itself be managed it in intervals few minutes, until if he perceives the improvement. In serious cases, to each half hour; in persistent cases, to each the two three hours, or in the frequency that the patient to feel necessidade.' ' (The Floral Remedies of the Dr. Bach, Ed. Thought). CONCLUDING It was with much satisfaction that, has three years, vi that the Odontologia already was opened for the aid of the holistic therapy, as of Floral of Bach, earning the space of lecture in audience in the CIOSP. The holistic therapy exists for, in set with the conventional medicine, to propitiate to the people a quality of better life.