Educative Actions

Being the Papiloma Human Virus, an infection frequently transmitted by saw sexual, also originating one of the most prevalent between all sexually transmissible illnesses (NORONHA, 1999). For the close relation with malignant genital injuries and its precursors, from years 80 it was changedded into an expressive problem (TO SOUND, 2002). Pertaining to the Papovariviridae family, of small size, 55 mm of diameter, without envelope, with 72 capsmeros, in a capsdeo with icosahedral symmetry. It presents considerable tropismo for the fabric epithelial and mucous. Nowadays one hundred types are known, being more than that 1/3 are associates the genital infections transmitted sexually (HISSES, 2004). Being able to occur in different parts of the organism.

Some types of HPV can affect the hands, knees, and feet, others the face and still the genital treatment of assintomtica, subclnica or visible form as wart genital year (MORI, 2004). The different morphologic aspects and forms clinics of papilomas or condiloma, are characteristic and go of plantar and painful warts, papilomas pray and larngeos, condiloma acuminados plans and inverts. The preferential places of occurrence are displayed humid areas to the attrition during the coitus, that is, small lips and vestibule to vulvar in the woman; in the man it appears more comumente in glande, in the peniana connecting rod and the prepcio, meato and uretra can be acometidos in 5% of the cases (MORI, 2004). Sorotipos 6, 11, 42, and 44 are found in condiloma and the displasia of low degree, whereas types 16, 18, 31, 33, 35 and 39 are associates to the malignidade. Microscopy discloses coilocitose, cells with atypical nucleus envoltas for an empty socket, that if considers found patognomnico of infection for HPV (MELLER, HERING, 2002; FIGUEIRDO, 2003). According to ROMRO (2000), the HPV is responsible for forty percent of the sexually Transmissible Illnesses in the adolescence and presents high risk of malignizao for cancer of the col of the uterine one