The Local

Use.-the same clarifies if you have a restricted use, for example many people renting a commercial property that is in the same House and if they occupy it for food as normal is that they swell with mice, cockroaches and others plagues, bring bakeries much heat, noise etc carpenters examines your local and decides what/which applications are best. Put everything in the contract and explicalo.-put all this in the contract specifies that the deposit is to ensure the integrity of the enclosure and put the quantity, use that is going to give, if you do not let children or if you don’t allow the people to live there, if you’re going to leave or not people to cook there, depending on the country this raises rents since it is a fire hazard and the fire department or civil protection They must check that it is well equipped for which you pay a fee or tax extra; get informed and think; leeselo the person who arrenda and make sure that you have understood everything. Photographs of the premises-not this other taking pictures of the local before renting it if it can be in the company of the person who is going to rent, and gives him a cd with copies; Why always when go tell all like this and so was when arrived. The last piece of advice is don’t despair there are venues that take years to rent is and how people are desperate rent you the first one that arrives without check nothing of what I have said all this means problems that then because they left made local an asco, them are taxing that live there, the neighbors are complaining of excessive noise and in some places multan to the owner (bone to it) since it is responsible for etc is much better to prevent. Original author and source of the article.