Bishop Spiridon Tremithus

He died in 1961 and was canonized by the church in the late twentieth century. Luke Holy War – Yasenetsky pray patients do not only in Ukraine but also in Poland, where is the genus of War – Yasenetsky. The day of his memory celebrated on June 11. Which saint of God should treat Christians in the event of illness? a speedy recovery – Martyr Pancratius; at morbid condition of the holy Bishop Spiridon Tremithus; for headache – the prophet John the Baptist. in diseases of the eye – St. Basil's Cathedral; for toothache – martyr Antipas; in diseases stomach – Great Martyr Artemije; trauma and diseases of the upper extremities – the Mother of God in honor of the icon "Troeruchnitsa Injury and disease of the lower extremities – Simeon Verkhoturye, Reverend Seraphim of Sarov; at high temperature and fever – the apostle Peter.

insomnia – the seven holy unto the young men of Ephesus, St Irinarkh Rostov; at St James paralysis-Zheleznoborovskomu, St. John Pecherskii suffering; for infertility – the holy righteous Joachim and Anna; in children's diseases – St Juliana, Juliana Lazarevskaya righteous; epilepsy and severe neuro-psychiatric disorders – a martyr Vita Rome; with alcoholism – the Mother of God in honor of the icon "Perishing" martyr Boniface, Mother of God "The Inexhaustible Cup", in X! century Kiev was known medical arts of Kyiv – Pechersk monk, a doctor Agapit. He healed the sick, using infusions of herbs. Providing medical assistance, Agapit not take them with fees, for which he received the nickname "bezmezdnogo doctor." After the death of Rev. Agapit was canonized by the Church. DRAGAN Alexander, editor of "Word of God – UOC" phytotherapeutist with. Florin, Bershad region, Vinnytsya region.


With the increase of the age, insulina and required to keep the normal glucose, considering it presence of central adiposity, sedentary life e, characteristically, the presence of comorbidades that frequent demand great variety of medicines, as, for example, corticides. Aged DM have high premature taxes of death, functional incapacity and gifts of comorbidades as HA, coronariana arterial illness (DAC) and enceflico vascular accident (BIRD). Moreover, aged with DM they have bigger risk for the development of diverse geriatrical syndromes, such as depression, cognitivos riots, urinria incontinence, falls and persistent pain (FREITAS and CANADO, 2006). When the plasmtica glucose levels if become very high occur diurese osmtica, being able to take the dehydration, with poliria, polidipsia and loss of weight. Frequently in the aged ones it has complaint of blurred vision, nor always valued, on account of visual alterations with in this etria band.

Fngicas and bacterial infections can occur (FREITAS and CANADO, 2006). The DM exerts deleterious effect under the circulation, leading throughout the time to the appearance of microvascular complications, as retinopatia, nefropatia and neuropatia, and macrovascular as coronary arterial illness, illness to cerebrovascular and peripheral arterial illness. The mortality determined for these chronic complications of the DM represents the most important problem of health publishes on to the syndrome. The macroangiopatia and the nefropatia constitute main the determinative ones of death between the diabetic ones. Still more the chronic complications of the DM as the oftalmolgicas and neurological injuries, are causes of accented worsening of quality of life, generating changeable degrees of incapacity and invalidity (GOLDMAN and AUSIELO, 2005; FREITAS AND CANADO, 2006). Freitas and Canado (2006) tell despite majority of microvascular complications can be prevented, be delayed and even though reverted by means of rigid glicmico control, with next values normality in such a way in jejum as after-prandial espelhados for also practically normal the glicosilada hemoglobina. .